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Secrets of Lost Words

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Pivot Point

Pivot Point - Read more of my reviews at Secrets of Lost Words.Rating: BI always thought Pivot Point was a time-travelling book but it wasn't. Our protagonist, Addie, has this ability called Divergence that allows her to live through the results of the decisions she makes. From there, she has a heads-up of which decision to should make.Addie's parents have just divorced and now she has to choose which parent she wants to live with. Her dad is moving to the Norm world and her mom is staying. No matter which path she chooses, there will be consequences. Both paths are filled with adventure and it just kept me turning the pages to see what will happen next. I was never confused which path I was reading about.Living in two different worlds comes with two different love interests! I don't know if you could call this a love triangle since the guys don't technically know each other. If she chooses to live in the Compound with her mom, her boyfriend would be Duke, the all-star quarterback. If she chooses to live with her dad in the Norm world, her boyfriend would be Trevor, the ex all-star quarterback. Damn, she seems to have a thing for quarterbacks (ex or not), doesn't she? I've always had a bad feeling about Duke and thinking that he's hiding someone so I was naturally Team Trevor. I think Trevor is more emotional and more open about his feelings. Even when shit hit the fan, he never made a rash judgment and still stuck by Addie.Of course, when the Search came to an end, she had lived through both paths and she had to make a decision. The ending was a bit confusing and I seriously have no idea what's going to happen in the next book.. which makes me all the more excited about it! Pivot Point brings in a unique idea to the YA world and I can't get enough of it! Split Second can't come soon enough!